88 research outputs found

    Ruolo e limiti delle Merger Clauses tra interpretazione e integrazione del contratto: profili comparatistici

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    This work deals with the drafting of contracts in a way which seeks to protect their literal meaning and, specifically with reference to the role and limits of merger clauses at the crossroad between interpretation and integration of contracts. The issue will be examined in a comparative perspective, both with reference to English Law, considered as its natural field of application, and in international contracting practices, namely with reference to European projects intended to provide a common frame of reference for European Contract Law, where merger clauses are specifically regulated. The main topic is referred to the parties’ control over the interpretation of the contract, i.e. whether parties may fix guidelines as regards the interpretation of the contract which are binding on the court. Such issues have become ever more important in view of the abundance of surrounding circumstances (from prior negotiations to subsequent conducts) which aggravate the construction of the contract and, specifically the search of the common intent of the parties. They involve the relation between the court’s role and the sanctity of contract, in particular, with reference to the suitable background of the contract which the court may refer to determine the real intention of the parties. In this context, the analysis aims at investigating the compatibility of merger clauses with the Italian legal system in the case such clauses enter into it, for instance, by mean of so-called “alien contracts

    La solitudine del morente al tempo del Covid-19

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    L’articolo affronta la questione del consenso alle cure dell’anziano, soffermandosi sul tema della morte al tempo della crisi epidemica dal Covid-19 e sull’opportunità di riconoscere al morente il diritto di operare le scelte ultime

    Funzione e limiti dell’autonomia privata nei contratti transnazionali

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    Ci si chiede se lo stile con cui vengono redatti i contratti transnazionali possa effettivamente favorire un’interpretazione maggiormente aderente al testo contrattuale. Nella pratica, specialmente in quella internazionale, non pare si possa dubitare che un’accorta applicazione delle tecniche di protezione letterale del contratto possa risultare utile allo scopo

    Classification of Septic Shock Phenotypes Based on the Presence of Hypotension and Hyperlactatemia in Cats

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    open8noBackground: Three different phenotypes of septic shock based on changes in blood pressure and lactate are recognized in people. Dysoxic shock, representing the combination of fluid-refractory hypotension and hyperlactatemia, is characterized by greater disease severity and mortality compared to cryptic shock (hyperlactatemia alone) and vasoplegic shock (hypotension with normal blood lactate). Little is known about septic shock and specifically its phenotypes in cats. Objective: To analyze the characteristics and prognostic implications of three septic shock phenotypes in cats with sepsis. Methods: Cats with septic shock were prospectively included. Septic shock was defined by the presence of hypotension (mean blood pressure <60 mmHg) requiring vasopressor support and/or persistent hyperlactatemia (>4 mmol/L) and classified in three subgroups: dysoxic shock, vasoplegic shock and cryptic shock. Clinical and clinicopathological variables including APPLEfast and APPLEfull scores, occurrence of multi-organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS; presence of at least two dysfunctional organs simultaneously) and outcome were compared among subgroups. Cats with sepsis showing normal blood pressure and lactate concentrations hospitalized during the study period were included as uncomplicated sepsis, and compared to cats with septic shock for selected variables. Length of hospital stay and mortality were evaluated in the whole study population. Odds ratios for mortality were calculated using logistic regression analysis. Significance was set at P < 0.05. Results: The study enrolled 48 cats with uncomplicated sepsis and 37 cats with septic shock (dysoxic shock n = 17; vasoplegic shock n = 11; cryptic shock n = 7). Cats with dysoxic shock had significantly higher APPLEfast and APPLEfull scores compared to vasoplegic and cryptic shock. Mortality rates were not significantly different among cryptic (57%), dysoxic (65%) and vasoplegic shock (91%), while MODS occurrence was significantly lower in cats with cryptic shock (57%) compared to patients affected by dysoxic (94%) and vasoplegic (100%) shock. Cats with septic shock had higher frequency of MODS and greater mortality rate than cats with uncomplicated sepsis. Conclusion: Despite similar in-hospital mortality, cats with dysoxic and vasoplegic shock are characterized by having higher occurrence of multi- organ dysfunction compared to cats affected by cryptic shock. Results from this study suggest novel means of identifying high-risk subgroups of septic cats.openTroia R.; Buzzurra F.; Ciuffoli E.; Mascalzoni G.; Foglia A.; Magagnoli I.; Dondi F.; Giunti M.Troia R.; Buzzurra F.; Ciuffoli E.; Mascalzoni G.; Foglia A.; Magagnoli I.; Dondi F.; Giunti M

    The interaction of Employers’ Liability and Workers’ Compensation: Italy

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    Il contributo esamina l'interazione tra responsabilitĂ  del datore di lavoro e enti preposti al risarcimento del danno (in primis sul piano delle lesioni personali) subito dal lavoratore. Nella prospettiva delineata, si esaminano criticamente - inter alia - i vari profili di sovrapposizione tra enti di assistenza e previdenza, assicurazioni sociali e assicurazioni private. Il contributo esamina profili attinenti alla responsabilitĂ  civile, al diritto delle assicurazioni e al diritto previdenziale

    Medical Liability in Italy

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    Il contributo esamina l'evoluzione giurisprudenziale e dottrinale della responsabilitĂ  medica in Italia in prospettiva di comparazione
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